Enchanting tools

I certainly understand that you do not want to do enchanting for tools. For the reason with exp. But make a dealer who changes your usual pickaxe for example to Efficiency III for 5 thousand coins, this is a perfectly normal idea.


Created At:
6 years ago

By FireLordZuko [Administrator] At 6 years ago Report Reply 0

Hey there, a couple of weeks ago, another player asked this question as well, and I responded to that with the following:


Please let me know if you have any suggestions after reading that message. :)

2. Enchanted Items

Enchanting is a mechanic that augments armor, tools, weapons (swords and bows), and books with one or more of a variety of «enchantments» that improve an item’s existing abilities or imbue them with additional abilities and uses.


This in itself is essentially a boost as well, but not to players; instead to items. We never willingly distributed these, but through some bugs, exploits and other issues, some found their way into our server.

The big reason we disabled enchanted items is because we are creating a new MMORPG system within Minecraft and sooner or later equipment is going to be a part of that as with any MMORPG.

This is the reason we at least do not hand out any armory (helmet/chestplates/leggings/boots etc.)

The reason we don’t hand out enchantments is for a similar reason as with the beacons as well. Through our spells, we are making each element unique by making it so that only waterbenders can benefit from enchantment features only they should benefit from (e.g. Depth Strider).

There are some other mechanics in there that we are planning to influence ourselves, which are also related to that new project I was talking about in the Beacons section.

It’s just that if we enable enchantments right now, we’ll run into balancing issues once we do get more stuff done and we won’t be able to take enchantments away from players anymore afterwards without causing a big fuss about it.