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Created At:
6 years ago
Updated At:
6 years ago

By forkspork123 At 6 years ago Report 0

I was also thinking that any problems with the experience bar could be circumvented by setting up a merchant who sells enchanted items/books

By FireLordZuko [Administrator] At 6 years ago Report 0

Hey forkspork123,

Please allow me to break down your suggestions into several points so we can discuss about them. As far as I understood (please correct me if I’m wrong), you want:

  1. Enabling Beacons being dropped.
  2. Enabling Enchanted items.
  3. Allowing players to teleport to each other using the /tpa command (a command that allows you to teleport to another player if they accept it).

I was also thinking that any problems with the experience bar could be circumvented by setting up a merchant who sells enchanted items/books

I didn’t understand this comment entirely, so please elaborate on it if you’d still want me to respond on that as well.

1. Beacons

A beacon is a unique block that projects a light beam skyward and can provide status effects to players in the vicinity.


The reason we decided to disable beacons are because of their visual: they look pretty much exactly like the portals to and from the spirit world.

Enabling dropping beacons again would pretty much mean allowing everyone to create a beacon and would actually stray away from a clear goal we’re trying to achieve: allowing a clear information flow to our players (in other words, we want players to understand that a beam in the sky means a spiritworld portal, and not just a random beam that players made).

Minecraft doesn’t allow us much freedom within these boundaries, and that’s why from the get-go, we decided to disable beacons completely.

However, this does not mean that we didn’t read the second part of that quote:

«provide status effects to players in the vicinity.»

Through several other means, such as our bending plugin and a new project that we are working on, we are planning to make status effects much more accessible to players so they may enjoy a boost in their abilities (both stats and status effects).

We would like to request you for some patience as one of our newer projects will definitely be something your interested in and relates to this.

2. Enchanted Items

Enchanting is a mechanic that augments armor, tools, weapons (swords and bows), and books with one or more of a variety of «enchantments» that improve an item’s existing abilities or imbue them with additional abilities and uses.


This in itself is essentially a boost as well, but not to players; instead to items. We never willingly distributed these, but through some bugs, exploits and other issues, some found their way into our server.

The big reason we disabled enchanted items is because we are creating a new MMORPG system within Minecraft and sooner or later equipment is going to be a part of that as with any MMORPG.

This is the reason we at least do not hand out any armory (helmet/chestplates/leggings/boots etc.)

The reason we don’t hand out enchantments is for a similar reason as with the beacons as well. Through our spells, we are making each element unique by making it so that only waterbenders can benefit from enchantment features only they should benefit from (e.g. Depth Strider).

There are some other mechanics in there that we are planning to influence ourselves, which are also related to that new project I was talking about in the Beacons section.

It’s just that if we enable enchantments right now, we’ll run into balancing issues once we do get more stuff done and we won’t be able to take enchantments away from players anymore afterwards without causing a big fuss about it.

3. Allowing the use of the /tpa command

/tpa -> Request a teleport from someone.


To be honest, with the current availability of:

  • Teleporting for free to towns within your nation
  • The fast travel network,
  • Bending moves
  • Gliders

It only takes a couple of minutes to walk from A to B, where A and B could be any spot in the world.

The biggest reason we are against /tpa is that it keeps away from the feeling of a real world you’re interacting with

Next to this, there are plenty of ways you can abuse this command, by for example:

  • Setting up spawnpoints during warfare where one player would just stand in a safe zone and would continuously be the access point to teleport to, so the attackers during a war have an easy way to keep on attacking
  • Abusing setting up mineshafts in the spiritworld where you have a duo that is alternately mining in the spirit world and depositing in their town (and teleports back in afterwards).

This is the reason we are against enabling these commands.


We will not be taking any action right now as there are several reasons for why these features are disabled. If you are against it, please engage in discussion with me further on this forum. We may be able to find a middle ground. :)