Advertise on the subreddit! Advertise on other website!


Chat Moderator

I remember how pretty much everyone heard about the server from reddit, and how everything was coordinated from there. Obviously the forums exist now, but that doesn’t mean that the server shouldn’t be shown on the subreddit now. I’ve never seen an ad for it on any other sites like PlanetMinecraft or other server sites (I don’t know any others, I don’t use them…). The server is getting more and more inactive, and not advertising is not helpful.

I’m not sure if something happened between the subreddit people and the server people, but if there could be a mod post or something, that would be fantastic. I hate to see the server people like killme and all of the coders and builders have worked so hard just fade in to obscurity because of inactivity.


Created At:
7 years ago

By FireLordZuko [Administrator] At 7 years ago Report Reply 0

Our communication with the subreddit is still fine, so you shouldn’t worry too much about that.

Personally, I’ve been absent due to a series of illnesses. I’ve made the team aware of this recently and I’ll be returning soon again. :)

Thank you for taking the initiative to help out our server, we really appreciate it. :P

By IronTem [Chat Moderator] At 6 years ago Report Reply 0

Yang if you want ads on planet Minecraft and such, why it do it? All you need to do is make a post, describe the server, take some screenshots, and write the ip.

By [deleted] At 6 years ago 0