Guys, please give me some advice. Should I hire this guy or should I fire him?! :P
Hey there! Name: [Redacted]
mE Triple me make build go dooo aahhhh kakakkakakakakak
When me Git ohn tem we mAke server go booM boom.mp3 Bcuz we neccisito good avuta build, I mak road of Western Water Tribe that ppl always foget. Tey have culture 2 and we ned 2 respek them and there hairatige. Not just suther and norten’s water tribs, but insted, All Tribbing Matters.
no juan noes why de westerb whata trib dissapered but i tink i can makit grate again. Gib western water trib and avuta mc will become best cuttlefish
my portfolio pls like surbscribe and as always bros thanks for watchig Westerb Whata Tribs
To be fair this is the most effort I’ve put into a shit post in my life xD
Best wishes, Shitpost master TripleR309
That is some quality shitposting right there
Hire him. Anything less is oppression of the western water tribe. #FreeTheTriple
All I can do is agree! This was obviously well made and it took him a long time. TRIPLE FOR BUILD TEAM! MAKE THE WESTERN WATER TRIBE GRATE AGAIN!
Oh god, not again.