
I’m vince, mayor of the town of Caelus and current leader of the People’s Confederacy on the server.

I joined the server in February 2015 and have been an officer of PC since about May of 2015. I joined the soundtrack team in November when Zuko discovered I was capable of writing music that sounded slightly better than a 4 year old smashing his head on a piano keyboard. I made a terrible arrangement of Four Seasons and composed the music for the town of Gaoling, which AvatarMusicCritic Magazine called ‘mediocre’ and ‘slightly more enjoyable to listen to than screaming children’.

Nowadays I spend most of my time on the server fishing and procrastinating on my next soundtrack.


Created At:
7 years ago

By FireLordZuko [Administrator] At 7 years ago Report Reply 0

I love that title sir. :P