Astral Projection

Kinda like what Jinora did in book 3 to find the airbenders the Earth Queen was hiding. Maybe when you activate the ability, you go into spectator mode for a limited time. At least, that’s my half-baked idea.


Created At:
8 years ago

By FireLordZuko [Administrator] At 8 years ago Report Reply 0

We already had this idea when we were brainstorming about the specialized bending techniques in the past. One of the reasons it’s not in here yet is because none of the specialized bending techniques is in yet. Another reason is the abuse people could do with this move to detect secret storages of the towns of players.

But yeah, we are definitely aware of the move in the series. :)

By GuoKao [Administrator] At 8 years ago Report Reply 0

Additionally, all invisible armorstands would be visible :/ (Health bars, specific bending moves, …)