Capital City Tea Leaves - Fire Nation Capital, Ba Sing Se, Northern Water Tribe, Southern Air Temple



Fire Nation Capital Tea Leaves

First Tea Leaf is in the Agni Kai Arena.

First Tea Leaf

Coords: x: 3387 z: 9606 y: 120

Second Tea Leaf is in a park.

Second Tea Leaf

Coords: x: 3325 z: 9836 y: 128

Third Tea Leaf is in some random building.

Third Tea Leaf

Coords: x: 3442 z: 9824 y: 116

Fourth Tea Leaf is located in the ampitheatre.

Fourth Tea Leaf

Coords: x: 3090 z: 9537 y: 126

Fifth Tea Leaf is located underneath one of the market stalls.

Fifth Tea Leaf

Coords: x: 2997 z: 9904 y: 133

Sixth tea leaf is located in another random building.

Sixth Tea Leaf

Coords: x: 3121 z: 9583 y: 128

Seventh tea leaf is located in another random park.

Seventh Tea Leaf

Coords: x: 3125 z: 9503 y: 128

The rest of the tea leaves are situated in mazes and parkour courses within the FNC.

First Maze Entrance - Behind Fire Nation Palace

Coords: x: 3140 z: 9765 y: 134

This maze contains a tea leaf after the maze, a parkour course, and a tea leaf after that as well.

First Tea Leaf Second Tea Leaf

The second maze contains three tea leaves. One inside the area, one inside the maze, a parkour course accessible only through the maze, then a tea leaf at the end of the course.

Second Maze Entrance

Coords: x: 3189 z: 9505 y: 86

First Tea Leaf outside of the maze

Second Tea Leaf inside the maze

Third Tea Leaf after parkour

Ba Sing Se Tea Leaves

First Tea Leaf

Coords: x: 19385 z: 6009 y: 41

Second Tea Leaf

Coords: x: 19327 z: 6439 y: 38

Third and fourth tea leaves are inside a maze. > Maze Entrance

Coords: x: 19661 z: 5772 y: 25

First Maze Tea Leaf

Second Maze Tea Leaf

Northern Water Tribe Tea Leaves

Quiet a few here, almost all except one that is in a maze are in seemingly random houses so make sure you follow the coordinates!

First Tea Leaf

Coords: x: 13257 z: 2101 y: 36

Second Tea Leaf

Coords: x: 13328 z: 2092 y: 40

Third Tea Leaf

Coords: x: 13372 z: 2165 y: 39

Fourth Tea Leaf

Coords: x: 13318 z: 2118 y: 33

The maze is near the Spirit Oasis behind the palace.

Maze Entrance

Coords: x: 13322 z: 1876 y: 57

Tea Leaf

Southern Air Temple has none.


Created At:
6 years ago

By IronTem [Chat Moderator] At 6 years ago Report Reply 0

FNC tea leaf #3 which you said is in a random building is in the Hospital, if you want to change that.