Boulder Toss Suggestion

Hey there Bending Team people.

After the rework Boulder toss has been changed and stuff, and now it smashes wall and is all awesome, however it is hard smashing walls and destroying houses with boulder toss when you cannot see your projectile. Currently the boulder gets raised to about 7 blocks high, which makes it so that: You cannot see the boulder. Boulder goes into roofs, then does not work :( To try and hit the boulder you need to look down, and how can you hit a player you cannot see?

Also on a sidenote, having a 15 second cooldown when you didn’t do anything because you didnt click on a sourceblock feels like shit.

Thanks for checking the forum and making stuff awesome and better.


Created At:
7 years ago

By FireLordZuko [Administrator] At 7 years ago Report Reply 0

We have forwarded this to the bending design team and requested them to respond in this topic. Thank you for your suggestion! :)

By SxyToad [Administrator] At 7 years ago Report Reply 0

Sorry for the late response,

I’ve been hearing this often about boulder toss, I’ll lower the height it goes up so that it’s just above out of the ground.

We’re still looking into possible ways to not take away cooldown if you miss click. Once we found a solid way to achieve this, we’ll roll it out for all the moves.