[Spoilers] Northern Water Tribe Tea Leaf Locations


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Leaf 1

NPC: 13274 32 2117

Leaf: 13261 36 2097

Leaf 2

NPC: 13327 32 2092

Just go up.

Leaf: 13327 40 2092

Leaf 3

NPC: 13389 32 2177 This one was broken when I got to it, but courtesy of Guo, I got the hint. «Hey, would you mind fetching some tea from the upstairs storage room for me?»

Leaf: 13373 38 2169

The stairs to this place were a little tricky to find.

Stairs: 13376 32 2164

Leaf 4 (technically)

Leaf: 13316 33 2122 NPC points to the FNC tea weevil, which I might make a post about, might not. The ‘secret’ Tea Weevil in FNC has one too, just ask around if you don’t know where it is.


Created At:
7 years ago